Monday, December 3, 2007

Word Order

Word Order in English is important because it can alter the meaning of a sentence. This resource will help you to make decisions in writing to help you say what you really want to say when you write.

QC Word Order


Anonymous said...

Brilliant! I struggle with passive and active voices, so thank you very much for the help!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! I struggle with the active and passive voice, so I appreciate the help!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm not a huge fan of the passive - perhaps owing to my training in Journalism and other similar writing courses. I believe the passive makes the sentence convoluted. I'm not sure what others think about this matter. Perhaps I'm taking a simplistic view? Also, technical writing is supposed to be more 'passive' in its orientation but I find even in this genre reports are easier to read in an active voice.